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The Scarlet Ink

OHS Girls Track Recap

Back: Linah Pettifer, Abby Bindewald// Middle: Delaney Taets, Kennedy Ketron, Abi Kayser, Elyse VanDuyne, Sadie Hessler, Maya VanDuyne, Sadie Appel// Front: Kylee Hanson, Olivia Thomsen, Emily Hickerson, Haylee Downing, Allison Taets

The Orion High School girls have had a very successful track season with a lot of improvement and victories. Although the team only consisted of twelve girls for the majority of the year (our numbers even dropped to seven girls for a couple meets!), we still managed to perform well against tough competition. 

At the conference meet, we had some top finishers including Olivia Thomsen who was 2nd in the 3200m, Emily Hickerson was 3rd in high jump, Delaney Taets was 6th in 100m hurdles and 6th in long jump, Abi Kayser was 8th in the 1600m, the 4×8 team of Maya Van Duyne, Abi Kayser, Elyse Van Duyne, and Sadie Hessler was 5th, Kennedy Ketron was 8th in long jump, and Allison Taets was 8th in triple jump. Top eight all scored the team points and won ribbons. As a team, the Orion girls may have not placed high in this conference meet, but that is not a good representation of what their season was like. Everyone grew and improved times and distances, making this a successful season.

At sectionals, the girls were majorly disappointed in the weather. It was very cold and rainy; however, they all performed very well. Hickerson was 7th in the 200m, 5th in the 400m, and 5th in high jump, Thomsen was 4th in the 3200, D. Taets was 4th in hurdles, the 4×1 team of D. Taets, Ketron, Kylee Hanson, and Hickerson was 7th, and the 4×8 team of Van Duyne, Kayser, Van Duyne, Hessler was 8th. The girls had a good last meet of the season and should be proud of how they performed this season even if they didn’t hit their goals.

Congratulations all track and field girls and keep up the good work. Good luck to all the seniors in your future endeavors and we hope to see all of the non-seniors back next year along with some new faces!

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