Childhood Sports Stories: Episode 7

Hayley VanDuyne, Writer

This week, I interviewed our main yearbook gal to get an insight into sports past. Kaitlyn Wilburn played volleyball from 3rd grade until 8th grade. For Katilyn, however, “Middle school was kinda ruff because [she] was not the best.” She remembers not getting a lot of playing time in games or even practices.

After the 8th grade season, she started to think about what high school sports she wanted to join. She was unsure of volleyball and, sort of, started to lean towards golf when her mom got the position of head girls golf coach! The decision was then pretty much made for her.

Kaitlyn loved every year of golf and is overall very happy with her decision to switch. She made some great friends and learned all sorts of new skills.

Kaitlyn played some recreational golf growing up but really found a passion for it in high school!