Blood Drive Review

Katie Noyd, Writer

On March 7th, the Mississippi Valley Blood Union came to the school and received a huge amount of donations. They had a full schedule of people donating plus 4 more walk ins. The lady who personally checked me in said they had a fairly steady pace and were never too overwhelmed with students. Many of the volunteers agreed it was well organized and were so grateful for the amount of students willing to donate. Within a few weeks, you should be receiving your donor card with your blood type on it in the mail. With every donation you make you save 3 lives and even get rewarded with snacks for it as well. So why wouldn’t you donate blood? If you go to the center in Moline and donate, you may also receive a shirt based on the time of the year you donate. Hospitals are always in need of blood and the need for O negative blood is never ending. Below are some photos to look back on a few students who took time to save lives.