What Would Be Your Last Meal? Part 2…

What Would Be Your Last Meal? Part 2...

Te'kail Barnes, Writer

Here are some of the craziest last meals:

Joseph Mitchell Parsons

Parsons ordered three Burger King Whoppers, two large orders of fries, a chocolate shake, chocolate chip ice cream, and a pack of grape Hubba Bubba bubble gum. He also asked to eat this with his family.

Adolf Hitler

Hitler was not captured alive but he ate some type of pasta (lasagna or spaghetti) with a very light sauce before he and Eva Braun, his new wife, took the cyanide pills.

Barton Kay Kirkham

Kirkham ordered pizzas and ice cream, “Because you get cheese, meat, and everything else in one meal. Not so much fuss.”, he said.

Dobie Gills Williams

Williams ordered a bunch of ice cream and twelve chocolate bars before he died.

Timothy McVeigh

McVeigh was executed in indiana and ordered two pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Victor Feguer

Feguer ordered one single olive that had not been pitted yet. After the execution, the pit of the olive was found in the pocket of his suit and was buried with him like he wanted it to be.

Gerald Lee Mitchell

Mitchell was executed in texas and he did not ask for a meal like others would have. He asked for a bag of candy (Jolly ranchers).

Bruno Richard Hauptmann

Hauptmann ordered celery, salmon salad, olives, corn fritters, cheese (sliced), fruit salad, and a slice of cake for dessert. But he asked that it were served with coffee and milk.
