The best dog breeds

There are many different dog breeds, and the best can differ from person to person. In my opinion the best dog breed is the papillon. The papillon is a small dog that has very soft fur. This dog also has big ears that droop across there side. Papillons are the best dogs for me because the are easily trained and disciplined and they are small and easy to hold. Papillons also have the perfect energy amount, they get hyper at the right playful times, and can also relax when needed. I am aware that this dog is not perfect for everyone but it is most definetly perfect for me.

There are an array of dog breeds you could chose from. Here are some options that might be a perfect fit for you. The first dog breed that is loved by many is the Golden Retriever. The Golden Retriever is a good fit for people who like big cuddly dogs. The Golden Retriever has a ton of energy and a very loveable attitude. These dogs are also very easily trained, and have a high iq. Another breed you may love is the Great Dane. A great dane is a big muscular dog that is very intelligent and would make a great guard dog. There are many other dog breeds that might be good for you but here are some of my personal favorites.