Pure Serotonin

Pure Serotonin

Kaitlyn Wilburn, Writer

Serotonin is a chemical in your brain that induces happiness and joy. sometimes people use the phrase “pure serotonin” to describe something that brings them pure joy. I decided to go around and ask people what is something that is “pure serotonin”.

Britani Trujillo: “When me and my sister walk around the lake and have long conversations.”

Eric Thorndyke: “Ice cream, also printing things and studying for the SAT.”

Ava Terry: “Oh, This fish that looks really funny” see cover photo

Thea Brown: “Honestly, Abby Watson’s jokes at lunch make me really happy.”

Bianca Schnerre: ‘Oh I guess my dogs, I love my dogs.”

Tim Nissen: “Dogs.”

Ashlin Zufall: “Uhm, music.”

Sydney Swope: “Uhm, blasting music.”

Mackenzie Washburn: “Blasting music down a back road.”

Leah Manning: “Monster and other people’s laughs.”

Nathan Tapscott: “Food, yea, food. Five guys!”

Kaitlyn Wilburn: “Listening to ‘August’ long pond studios version by Taylor Swift.”