All about Britani!


Hayley VanDuyne, Writer

This week,I decided to interview the legend that is Britani. I thought of some of the most random questions and got some great answers. 


Has the senioritis hit you yet? -“Yes I’m starting to stress and I know there are still many things that I have to get done.”


Mountains or beaches and why? -”I would have to say beach because I want to be able to make sand castles one day.”


What’s your ideal pet name? -“Probably some type of food I think the animal kinda looks like.”


What is a memory that haunts you? -“Every single dream that I ever have, I don’t understand how I remember them so well but most of the time it’s something I don’t want to be able to remember.”


What sport did you play as a child or what sport would you want to be amazing at? -“I want to be very good at volleyball because it seems like a really fun sport but I am just not very good at it.”


What’s the wackiest dream you’ve had lately? -“I was living on some island and I happened to go into a cave and there were dead cave men in there so when I called the police they, for some reason, thought I killed them even though they had been deceased for years. So, basically I was accused of cave man murder.”


Please explain your favorite food. – “Homemade tortillas, cheese, carne asada, and another tortilla on top. They’re called chavindecas.”


What is the most impulsive thing you’ve done lately? -“I probably say things I don’t mean in the moment.”


What is your favorite shade of blue? -“Royal blue.”


If you were thrown into a cooking show, what would your winning dish be? -“I’m not really sure I am not a professional chef and most of the dishes I can cook are Mexican.”


What childhood memory stands out to you the most? – “There was this one time where my parents bought me this child sized broom and I loved it for some reason. I was playing outside when I saw a snake and got scared so my brother grabbed my broom and whacked the snake, and so he broke it.”


Are mermaids real? – “Yes they are. I saw this one documentary when I was younger and it scarred me for life because they said mermaids were these ugly human looking fish with tails and even showed us how they were supposed to look and I have never thought about mermaids the same ever since.”


Have you seen a zebra lately? – “I have never seen a zebra sadly, but I hope that I do one day.”


Favorite type of bread? – “I don’t think I have a favorite type of bread, but I do have bread that I don’t like.”