The Hawksbill Turtle May be Going Extinct


Alec Noyd, Writer

The Hawksbill turtle is one of the most known sea turtles to date, but is suffering endangerment, why?

The big problem is the rising sea levels and pollution caused by us. The rising sea levels have caused flooding and destruction towards buildings, property, and the beach. The beach is being ruined by the rising waters which is part of the turtles habitat. Turtles lay their eggs on beaches and once they are hatched the babies crawl into the water. Only 1 in 1,000 hatchlings reach adulthood due to predators and hunters. The Hawksbill turtle will occasionally get stuck on the beach which gives people the perfect opportunity to hunt, kill, and take the shell.

Most people that hunt the beautiful animal either don’t know that it’s endangered or they just don’t care. Aside from hunting, and rising sea waters, pollution is one of the bigger problems attacking the sea life. 36% of Marine pollution comes from oil and chemicals through drains. Everyone has seen the video of the straw stuck in the nose of a sea turtle, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Not only do they get stuck in nets and impaled but they will eat and digest it which kills them. Quite honestly this is our problems and if we don’t do anything about it soon, we will watch a species die out because of us, and that’s not fair.

Do the right thing, don’t throw plastic and styrofoam outside or in the waters.