What can we do?


Hayley VanDuyne, Writer

Since about the beginning of August, Madi, Kait, Izzy, and I have been asking each other this question. With being in the high school environment every day along with just being teenagers ourselves, we see the changes, every day, that we want to make. But how? We don’t really know. As people, it’s a natural instinct to see the changes we want to make in this world. For most of the time, there has been someone striving for change. But how do they do it, especially in the places that need it most? That is our question. I asked some people who attend our Gray Matters meetings how WE can change our school environment. A lot of the answers are similar to “creating a better overall school environment” or “creating more awareness”

I think a lot of us think just because we’re young, we don’t have a lot of power when it comes to change. We grew up in a strange environment of we were kids and therefore we can’t do anything that “adults” could. In my opinion, the root of the stigma in our society today is because of how people were raised in the past. The normalized way of men can’t cry and that girls are always just being dramatic. In order for change, we need to see ourselves as the leaders we are!

Join The Gray Matters here at OHS next Wednesday (3/2)! We will have a special guest speaker who we are so excited about!