Every Godzilla Motion Picture Ranked Worst to Best (Part 2)


Daylen DeKeyrel

Continuing the ranking of Godzilla films from worst to best. All of these films have redeeming qualities to them and I would recommend the bottom half if you are a Godzilla fan.

29. Ebirah, The Horror of the Deep

Initially this film was written with King Kong in mind, and due to some constraints they replaced him with Godzilla. Within this film are littered references to that being the intent of the film. It would have been interesting to see King Kong and Mothra team up even in this movie. Following some of the writing in correlation to King Kong, Godzilla is struck by lightning when he is awakened. Which could make some sense if it didn’t seem to power Godzilla. Ebirah is quite the interesting kaiju, being a kaiju sized shrimp which is an oxymoron. At times Ebirah is sadistic and outright murders people for the sake of a crumb sized treat. Godzilla totally has no chance against the shrimp, and of course I am understating in all actuale. This makes it seem like Godzilla is playing with their food, and I wish this were the case. The plot of Red Bamboo is an obvious King Kong villain, and was the cause for the existence of Ebirah. Mothra is only a cameo in this film and actually does about nothing which in the context of her lifespan makes sense. Overall this film does in fact not suck, but it’s not worth watching over any Showa film proceeding. King Kong would reprise his role in King Kong Escapes, that actually features the first mechanized version of an existing kaiju.

G-Rating: 5/10

Overall Rating: 5/10


28. Godzilla vs Gigan

This film is not all that enjoyable, and lacks the effort of the real Showa-era films. Using stock footage is the laziest thing about kaiju films and this film relies on it heavily. The last twenty minutes of this ninety minute film, and is somehow boring even though it’s Godzilla and three other kaiju fighting. They found a way to make it semi enjoyable to the lowest extent. The King Ghidorah suit was barely used, because of the suits terrible rotting conditions and Anguirus wasn’t looking too good either. I describe the flaws to mostly revolve around Godzilla and that is because I would never watch these films if kaiju weren’t present. Every film that doesn’t get praise for the human plot is either so boring or unwatchable. This film has some good things, and when I say things I really mean one thing. That is Gigan, an iconic kaiju in the Godzilla franchise. Knives for hands and a chainsaw-razorblade chest. The ultimate killing machine to ever exist in concept. The one other thing that comes with Gigan is that he makes Godzilla bleed for the first time ever. Before in the previous film that I have not covered (Godzilla vs. Hedorah) Godzilla has been hurt quite a bit. Never to this extent where Gigan is sharp and powerful enough to break through Godzilla’s skin. Beyond those things I really like, this movie does in fact suck. (Which sucks)

G-Rating: 5/10

Overall Rating: 4/10


27. Godzilla (1998)

Not a real Godzilla movie. (Deserves its own article to articulate everything about this film I hate and love simultaneously.)

This was also the replacement to 1994’s Godzilla

G-Rating: 3/10

Overall Rating: 6/10


26. Godzilla vs. Megalon

This movie has the same issues as Godzilla vs. Gigan, but it does retain more entertainment despite the very low budget for the film. Anguirus gets bullied throughout the Showa series. In the background of Godzilla vs. Megalon Anguirus plummets into the depths of the Earth after nuclear testing. In the 70s they had a contest for kids to make a mech design, and Red Alone is what a child submitted for the contest. But it would not in fact resemble or carry the name. Instead they created Jet Jaguar, an Ultraman rip-off that to one degree resembled a part of Red Alone. Megalon was one of the heaviest suits in the Showa series. That’s why Megalon is barely even off the ground when he tries to fly. Gigan returns in this movie and is utilized considerably in comparison to how King Ghidorah was present in Godzilla vs. Gigan. This movie delivers action and a tag team battle that is quite enjoyable. The problem with this film lies in its low budget and terrible characters. The last twenty minutes are quite full of action and the iconic Godzilla dropkick is in this movie. If the movie had the same amount of effort or budget as Godzilla vs. Hedorah or more considerable classics. It could hold up with being insanely goofy, but have a great sentiment and effect beyond the kaiju brawling.

G-Rating: 5/10

Overall Rating: 5/10


25. Destroy All Monsters

This is Avengers: End Game before the movie and before even the original comics were released twenty years later. With that said it struggles to in fact deliver said action, and that is understandable for the time. The budget would only allow this movie to have so much, and there are some lackluster things about this film and why I am disappointed in the final result. The movie paces quite slowly compared to other Showa films and doesn’t have a big kaiju battle till the end of the film. The biggest problem with the Showa series in my opinion is the overuse of kaiju and especially King Ghidorah who was now appearing for the third time within five movies and four years. I don’t mind King Ghidorah being the big bad kaiju, but it was well deserved in Ghidorah, the Three Headed Monster. At this point Ghidorah had no chance and was overused as is. This creates no true value to the film and in the course of rewatching it I could care less about this film anymore. It needed some more kaiju brawls instead of the one huge one-sided fight. The movie additionally disappoints with the Plan B monster that is just a red flying saucer. The stakes are low for the kaiju themselves, but none of the kaiju were destroyed or killed. I think that killing off at least one good kaiju could have been very interesting and play a big role in this movie’s place. Overall this film marks some really big and impressive territory, but executes it poorly due to time and the budget. If there were at least two other scenes of kaijus brawling in the similar context of Ghidorah, the Three Headed Monster it would be an incredible movie in my opinion.

G-Rating: 7/10

Overall Rating: 6/10


24. Son of Godzilla

This movie does not deserve the hate it has been given throughout its lifespan.  Minya is apparent as the son of Godzilla, and sadly this would be the only incarnation representing the Big G for almost three decades. This dynamic of Godzilla and his adopted child would be something I think anyone would find interesting. Everything about the plot I find intriguing and even heartwarming.

During an experiment with the intention of creating a perfect weather-controlling system. The first test of the system goes wrong, and the balloon explodes and creates a radioactive storm that leads to giant monsters. This creates Kamacrus a giant praying mantis, but Kumonga the giant spider does not affiliate to the storm. Three Kamacrus are about to feed upon a giant egg that then hatches and reveals Minya. Godzilla fights each Kamacrus and saves Minya. Minya telepathically communicated to Godzilla and in fact was the cause of the connection failure during the experiment. Throughout the film there are scenes of Godzilla dealing with Minya, and it is quite hilarious at times. There are also scenes and an altered ending that makes Godzilla a lot more apathetic. Now I think showing Godzilla like this makes him a terrible father and I rather love the ending as is. After Godzilla saves Minya he expects him to get up and follow. Godzilla is like this sudden father that is disappointed with whom they adopted reluctantly. I don’t blame Godzilla, because Minya does not grow up to be Godzilla as far as I can tell with his appearance in Destroy All Monsters. The human characters are pretty interesting. You have all the golden Showa actors in this film, and roles that have huge potential. Yoshio Tsuchiya was incredible as always with his character. The ending has two differing endings, and the original is quite sad but works. It has Godzilla evading the island leaving Minya yet again, but in the end Godzilla returns. The official ending is even more sad, and has Godzilla embrace Minya as they both seemingly freeze to death. The original deleted scenes have this egregious notion of him not wanting to have Minya around to babysit. If those scenes weren’t deleted or changed to any extent to fit an arc, it would make Godzilla an even more interesting character alone. It would be heartwarming to see Godzilla finally embrace his now newly adopted son in the moments following those mistakes prior. There are scenes of Godzilla being mean to Minya, and that doesn’t need to be present. All the movie needs is Godzilla’s reluctant attitude towards Minya, and then his arch embracing him. The scene Godzilla teaches Minya how to use his atomic breath is a great scene I think, laughs and everything.

G-Rating: 7/10

Overall Rating: 6/10


23. King Kong vs. Godzilla

This is the third Godzilla movie in the franchise. This is also very much TOHO’s most successful movie to date. I enjoyed this film plenty back in the day, but I feel some things haven’t aged well. The movie is a satire revolving around the theme of fame and greed. There is a trope of King Kong falling in love with a human woman which is a terrible plotline in any Kong movie beyond the original and Peter Jackson’s remake. This though only takes an entire scene not an entire act. Godzilla’s design in this film is one of my favorite designs ever. Reminiscing a dinosaur and a crocodile Godzilla looks mean and sturdy in every way. The acting for Godzilla from Haruo Nakajima is iconic, but sadly never got the same amount of personality except for certain bits. King Kong on the other hand has the worst costume design in the Showa series which is a bummer for this film. There are scenes with King Kong that have extended arms, but there are scenes without them making it inconsistent. The fights are pretty good overall, and I really enjoy every second of the final brawl. The soundtrack is good, but the King Kong soundtrack with the tribe is overplayed because of how much I’ve watched this film. Sadly the american version of this film has universal stock music in place of Akira Ifukube’s music. The satirical nature of this film does benefit with its attempt at comedy. I can’t say this film is funny and especially with the experience of the american dub with its delivered lines. I recommend if you want to watch a classic part of Godzilla’s history that I still quite enjoy. I think that the only problem with the film is the aspects of its human characters and certain choices with the movie.

G-Rating: 7.5/10

Overall Rating: 6/10


22. Godzilla vs. Megaguirus

Proceeding Godzilla 2000: Millenium this yet another timeline in the Godzilla franchise. Leading into almost Heisei territory with the main character. Godzilla has never looked green throughout the japanese franchise. Purple dorsal plates and the orange atomic breath from the previous film. I love this design, but it’s too bold in color. Megaguirus is based on an existing kaiju, but not in the way you probably think. Based on the small but bigger than human sized Meganula. Something that Rodan fed on in the 1957 film as their consistent diet. They turned them into the queen of insects, Megaguirus. A giant dragonfly that has the aspect of draining Godzilla and similarly to Orga using his own power against him. In this movie they literally create a black hole and eventually successfully put Godzilla in one. Godzilla does in fact return, and with that ends the movie with a terrifying roar. Megaguirus is one of the most interesting kaiju in the franchise to me, and I wish Megaguirus will be reintroduced in something later and with maybe even more complexity. Taking a small almost literal bug for kaiju to snack on, into this massive terrifying kaiju that Godzilla had trouble with. There are a decent amount of horror elements in this film. There is an entire scene that plays out pretty brutally. As a kid watching this film, and even I conclude to this day it still works as intended. This film doesn’t go into any crazy territory, but I wish it was executed even better. This film has a lot of plot that could be reconsidered into newer films. Despite hating KOTM and being hypocritical, I think this is an overlooked film and doesn’t get any attention. So by reintroducing parts of this film into a better context would be a godsend. As I think it deserves some recognition and even recognition that I inherently despise most if not all the time. That and King Kong vs. Godzilla both hold that pedestal. I enjoy this film by nostalgia, and everything about what the plot created in my mind as a kid. I love the ending of the film and the thought of the black hole weapon with it seemingly ending Godzilla. It would make for an interesting sequel or series with the effects in response to the consequences of the weapon’s nature.

We are going into a void of thought that I really endear to express. Imagine the consequences of using the Dimensional Tide (black hole weapon) created either this rip in matter that leads to a new kaiju. Maybe instead of a rip in existence there could be a rip in a timeline in which the same thing occurs with a kaiju. No need for real logic backing the consequences of using the Dimensional Tide. This could have endless concepts continuing Godzilla’s seemingly unstoppable existence. Wormholes would be a big part of each plot, and would lead to a creative timeline or of existing events. TOHO, let me direct the sequel to a twenty three old movie. It would be so successful that in fact it would need another movie to create a  perfect trilogy. (I have the same thought with the Kiryu saga that was going to be a trilogy)

G-Rating: 7.5/10

Overall Rating: 6.5/10


21. Godzilla vs. Hedorah

Although this is high in my recent opinion of this film. It marks some mediocre territory, but finds a way to be quite innovative. Almost as innovative as the first film. This is the original Shin Gojira that no one really talks about to this day. This is also the turning point of enjoyable Godzilla films and somewhat watchable movies alone. This movie is an acidic trip of a film, and has the most artistic directing a Godzilla movie ever has. I wish more Godzilla films went in this satirical theme that has hints of satire, but also leans into being one of the darkest films. One of the most goofy, but iconic scenes in Godzilla is when he flies with his atomic breath and even catches up with Hedorah. Hedorah throughout this film has multiple forms; Initial Stage, Aquatic Stage, Landing Stage, Flying Stage, and the final form is called the Perfect Stage. Hedorah is considerably one of the most powerful opponents against Godzilla. Hedorah has acidic fluids that you could note as blood that dissolves Godzilla’s hand down to the bone. Hedorah also even blinds Godzilla in one eye. At one point Hedorah almost suffocates Godzilla in Hedorah’s excessive amount of sludge. Hedorah even laughs during that scene while Godzilla struggles to get up. This marks new territory for Godzilla and would continue with every installment proceeding with Godzilla being brutally beaten up. Up and till this point Godzilla has had only some trouble with kaiju, and due to some odd choice of writing. This was in every right for Hedorah to be able to kill Godzilla. This is not the case but instead with the help of the military they succeed, and Hedorah as a result is a thousand cremated pieces. This was also a considerable step for human characters helping Godzilla and being one of the sole reasons for the kaiju’s demise itself. This movie is one of the best Godzilla movies but I can’t put it lower. If I were to list this based completely off how impactful these movies were and even more to this day than it’d be easily top five. (The same can be said about Godzilla vs. Megaguirus)

G-Rating: 7.5/10

Overall Rating: 6.5/10


I don’t hate myself for watching any of these films, but they all have issues. I recommend Godzilla vs. Hedorah to anyone interested in one of the craziest films at its time. I find the Showa series as all are classic, but I also find them to be not as enjoyable as the other eras. They all have charm and character, yet they cut corners and make unoriginal decisions at times. For instance the overuse of King Ghidorah caused us to not have two great big bad kaiju in the franchise. Destroy All Monsters would have been the most disappointing film of all time for me if it wasn’t that I watched the film with low expectations and no synopsis. From this point on I enjoy these films and hope that the new Godzilla movie will at least be lower than these.