The Good Place Review

The Good Place Review

The show The Good Place, is streamed on Netflix. The Good Place is about 4 humans who have died and go to the afterlife. In this show’s version of the afterlife, there is a good and a bad place and it is based off of how you lived your life and how many points you got. The main characters in the show are Micheal, the creator of the world there living in, Chidi, Tahani, Eleanor, and Jianu. These characters are all told that they are in the good place and our sent to there homes to live. Eleanor and Jianu both know that they don’t belong in the good place because the memories that Micheal is showing aren’t their memories. Jianu is brought to the good place and told that he is a monk however in his real life he was a trash bag from Florida and doesn’t understand what is going on. Chidi and Tahani think that they belong in the good place because they were good people on earth and don’t think they should be in the bad place.

Spoiler Alert!

The plot twist to this show is that none of the four humans belong in the good place. The good place they think they are in is actually a set up bad place. The neighborhood is made to psychologically torture the humans. This plot twist to the story helps the humans develop into better people and helps them understand how to improve themselves. This show is very intriguing  for someone who is into moral philosophy and the human mind. The show is very good at displaying emotion and how people can connect on a deeper level. The show portrays a lot of better of the mind and taking a deeper look at the morality of situations.