What your Mortal Kombat 11 Main Says About You. (Part 3)


Joseph Foley, Writer

Same disclaimer as always. Most of this is strictly opinion or a stereotype generated by the community. I am not sorry if this makes any of you mad.

Liu Kang: Very boring, both the character and the player. These guys play possibly the most boring character who is also a top tier. When in doubt low fireball, or bicycle kick.

Kitana: Kitana players used to be respectable in older games. In Mortal Kombat 11 however, she became even more unbearable to play against. These people are the annoying type who will never let it go if they win against you even once.

Kung Lao: Just about as egotistical as the character. Definition of a crybaby if they lose.

Jade: Not many Jade mains out there, but they are pretty good. I haven’t really gone up against a bad Jade player. Pretty respectable about losing and a good sportsman.

Robocop: The toxic player that’s toxic for no good reason. Their character sucks and they are disrespectful for what? It’s probably best to avoid them at all costs. I love that they added him into MK though. A really creative idea, but the community ruined him.

Scarlett: Creepy weird character that has a neckbeard fanbase. Scarlett mains are very few in numbers, but make up for it by being way too good at who they play. However, the people who play her are just as gross and weird as she is.

Erron Black: The most chill kind of player. Erron Black mains are just playing to have a fun time. They know they don’t play the best zoner, but one that gets the job done in terms of playing with friends. His voice actor is also really good.