What is Micro-Aggression

Eleanor W, Writer

Micro-aggression is, as Nadal Keven puts it best, “Defined as the everyday, subtle, intentional — and oftentimes unintentional — interactions or behaviors that communicate some sort of bias toward historically marginalized groups.” These statements seem minuscule to others but can feel discouraging to many.

Statements such as “You are so retarded” categorize those with mental disabilities as “stupid” or “less than” those without. Some may read these quotes and believe that these are not detrimental statements, but these rude comments are the things that cause the issues that have been highlighted during the Covid-19 pandemic. Many people have come out and talked about micro-aggression they have experienced.

I have personally experienced this while in the process of getting tested for dyslexia. I told a trusted adult of my desire to get tested for a learning disability and their response was “well I never saw that in you. I don’t think you need it.” This comment nullified all the battles through education I have gone through, and the ones I am going through currently.

Especially through this Covid Era, that has been extremely difficult for disabled individuals. Comments such as “well if you are so concerned about covid, then you should just stay inside,” is the exact thing that is separating disabled individuals from the rest of society.

These individuals are being made to work around everyone else, when in all actuality we should be working together to create better solutions. We need to stop comments such as “Well you don’t look disabled” to “I don’t even think of you as disabled.” We need to move forward in our society and stop these prejudiced viewpoints on disability.