Masks vs. Facebook

Masks vs. Facebook

Ava Terry, Writer

The school district had a meeting to make masks optional. During and after the meeting Facebook had some strong opinions. Masks were voted to be optional and people ran to the app with the #grifterwins. Although we can all agree wearing mask aren’t ideal comparing it to tyranny feels a little dramatic.

Here’s some of the post that felt like too much:

Some posts include adults bashing each other on the internet. Others had kids burning masks or cutting them. Some kids wore shirts with a photo of the man who sued the schools. Although, people do have the right to do what they want with their items. This just seems wasteful considering we still need them to go in stores. Acting like a disposable mask is “hurting our children” and threatening our freedom feels like an insult to anyone that has been through actual issues. On the other hand if someone chooses to not wear a mask, I’m almost positive their intentions aren’t to harm others. Allowing your kids to make a choice on whether they want to wear a mask is one thing. Surrounding you’re entire personality about it is another.

Personally, I enjoy not wearing a mask, but I will respect those who do. Choosing to wear a mask or not should not make a political statement. We also need to understand posting your opinion on social media allows others to respond with theirs. Agreeing to disagree is way more respectable then calling each other “Ms. Aggressive Pants” or other weird insults. I think as a whole Covid has caused a lot of anger that doesn’t need to be directed at others.