Childhood Sports Stories: Episode 6

Hayley, VanDuyne

The lady, the myth, the legend, Madi Greenwood!

Most of us know her as the Drum Major but she has a sporty past! Madi played soccer in kindergarten but because of a few kicks in the face she retired from the field and moved onto the mat. She participated in tumbling and did that until about 7th grade. Her mom tumbled and encouraged the girls to follow in her footsteps! 

Because of her love for tumbling, she tried out for cheer, but decided to go the robotics route instead! She found a passion for running the business side of the team and doing whatever she can to promote the team.

Going into high school, she decided to continue her love for music she found in middle school band. She experienced her first year of band camp which she describes as “awful, but then it gets better.” 

Madi developed a passion for music and leading the band. She is Drum Major this year and killing it!