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The Scarlet Ink

The Scarlet Ink

History of Father’s Day

Father’s Day

Father’s Day was first celebrated on June 19, 1910.  Sonora Smart Dodd was one of six children raised by a single father because her mother died during birth.  She really wanted to have a day to honor male parents, just like Mother’s Day.  She went to local churches, the YMCA, and government officials to gain support of the idea.  She was successful and the state of Washington was the first celebrated.  Despite widespread support, Father’s Day was not a permanent national holiday for many years.  It wasn’t until 1972 that President Nixon signed a law declaring that Father’s Day will be celebrated annually on the third Sunday in June.  It has been an official, permanent national holiday ever since.

Father’s Day is a time for people to celebrate the men in their lives.  It is a day to show appreciation for the hard work and influence of fathers and husbands.  It’s a day to share memories and to make new ones.  There are so many ways to celebrate fathers.  People purchase special gifts or simply buy a card that tells them how much you appreciate them.  Consider bringing back fun things you did with your dad, whether it is fishing, playing games, or enjoying favorite snacks and a movie.

Father’s Day is on Sunday, June 16th, this year.  Enjoy this day celebrating the important men in your life. (source)

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