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The Scarlet Ink

The Scarlet Ink

Top Five Best Summer Foods and Drinks


Summer is one of, if not the most, fun times of the year. Everyone in school is free to go wherever they want every day, instead of being cooped up in a school. There’s a lot more to enjoy during summer than just activities, though. The food associated with summer is amazing, and usually the most refreshing food you could eat. In honor of summer coming up quickly, here’s a list of the top five best summer foods and drinks:


Fruit Salad

Fruit salad is one of the most refreshing things you could ever eat. During summer, fruit is in season, so all the oranges are juicy, the strawberries are sweet, and the grapes are crunchy.


After a long day outside, a sweet icy drink is one of the best things you can have in your hand. Sure, the brain freezes are absolutely awful, but they’re so worth it.


A day when you or your parents are grilling outside is a good day. Most people will be outside grilling on the Fourth of July, and it really brings out a nice ambience. It’s the middle of summer, there’s no school work to worry about, and it’s almost time to watch a parade or fireworks. 


Similarly to food on the grill, s’mores are always indicative of a good day spent outside with friends. They’re a staple on the Fourth of July and during a camping trip, and really just any time during summer.


Lemonade is truly a top tier drink for summer. A homemade pitcher of lemonade tastes like childhood, and once you get the sugar to lemon juice to water ratio right, you will have made the best and most refreshing drink you have ever tasted. 


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