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The Student News Site of Orion High School

The Scarlet Ink

The Scarlet Ink

How to Say Goodbye (How to Move On)


Nothing stays the same. From the way you look to the way you act, you have changed from the person you once were. Because nothing stays the same, it’s safe to say that with this year’s seniors leaving, the school will be different. With all the change that is happening, even if it’s bittersweet, we need to let go.

Saying goodbye is never easy, but we will have to get used to it. I think it’s better to say goodbye than to let something or someone slip away before we even get the chance to bid them farewell.

To everyone: if you have a senior you know, even if it’s in passing, do something that they will remember. Whether it be a simple goodbye, a hug, or a gift, do something that shows your appreciation for them.

To the underclassmen: focus on your remaining years in high school. As you watch these seniors graduate, enjoy and appreciate the time you shall spend during high school. Make sure to make a lot of memories because soon you’ll be looking back on them as if they were eons ago. Try to keep your grades up and ask for help, otherwise you’ll probably end up regretting it in the future.

To the upperclassmen: please, please, please start planning and preparing for the years that will soon catch up to you because the time will pass by quickly and you’ll find yourself in uncharted waters. Compare your remaining time in high school to that of the sand in an hourglass. Don’t let this sand slip through your fingers and do what needs to be done; once that’s over, get some well needed downtime. Use the graduating seniors as a goal to move towards, but don’t let that goal be your final goal. Make sure you have goals past high school.

To the seniors: I am so proud of you for making it this far. You are now moving onto the next chapter of your life. Whether you know or don’t know the path you’re currently taking, you’ve made it this far when so many people haven’t, and for that you deserve a pat on the back and a big congratulations. If you’re pursuing a higher education, don’t be too hard on yourself. If you’re going to a trade, take the things you learn in stride and let these practical learning opportunities take you higher. If you’re going straight into the workforce, don’t let work overwhelm you and know that you deserve breaks sometimes too.

I’ve said at the beginning that it’s hard to say goodbye…but it’s even harder to move on when the future is so unknown. Life doesn’t stay stuck on repeat so we need to continue to move forwards. Let change take its course and continue on even when it’s hard. So…goodbye.

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