The Scarlet Ink

The Student News Site of Orion High School

The Scarlet Ink

The Scarlet Ink

Wrapping up Gray Matters

Wrapping up Gray Matters

The school year is finally coming to an end, which means students get to indulge in care-free summer activities, such as bonfires, pool parties, adventure park visits, vacations, and more. Not only are everyday assignments and final exams disappearing for the summer, but so are Orion High School’s clubs, which includes the Gray Matters Collective.

Before the school year ends, the collective would like to go on a nature walk for our last meeting. This gives us a chance to enjoy the fresh air, socialize with friends, and get some physical activity for the day. Also, walking outside can assist in reducing anxiety and other negative feelings, which is essential for easing into the summer months. Anyone is welcome to attend even if it’s your first meeting.

On the last day of school, the organization is also holding an assembly to advocate for mental health by having multiple mental health related stations. We did this assembly a couple years ago and saw beneficial results, and we need to come up with some new stations in order to make this experience even more enjoyable. One station we know for sure will be there are therapy dogs. If you have any suggestions, be sure to email either Mrs. Feldott or one of the leaders. Just a few leaders include: Linah Pettifer, Maya VanDuyne, and Kaitlyn Greenwood.

Finally, anyone can apply to be a Gray Matters leader by filling out a piece of paper from Mrs. Feldott. The sooner you can return the application, the better. We wish every applicant the best of luck, but even if you don’t get chosen, you can still be a part of the collective.

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