Scott’s Law


Katie Noyd, Journalist

( Information from SBE Executive Director of Safe and Healthy Climate Jeff Aranowski and District Principals)


If you’ve seen the flyers up around the school or even seen the hundreds of facebooks posts about Police officers losing their lives, then I’m sure you’ve heard of the recent issue regarding Scott’s Law. Scott’s Law mandates that upon approaching any stationary vehicle with flashing emergency lights, including commercial trucks and cars, all approaching vehicles shall:

  •         reduce speed
  •         change lanes if possible; and
  •         proceed with caution.


Recently, too many Illinois State Troopers have been put in danger or lost their lives by drivers not following Scott’s Law. In 2019 alone, three officers have died during a regular stop because drivers have disobeyed the law and not moved over. ( )

 Scott’s Law, also known as the Move Over Law, was named after Lieutenant Scott Gillen of the Chicago Fire Department who was struck and killed by an intoxicated driver while assisting at a crash on the Dan Ryan Expressway. Recently, there has been an increase in awareness also due to a movement called the “Move Over Project”. This was started by a daughter of a state trooper, Lucy Kuelper, who posted a picture of her holding a sign saying “move over…for my DAD”. Since being released this project has gone viral and brought a great amount of awareness to the Law ( ). So next time you see those flashing lights on your road, be courteous, safe, and move over to save a life.