The Weirdest Fish That You’ll Never Catch


Emiliah Morrison

Summer is right around the corner, and many people like to go fishing once the temps are warm and fish are biting. Whether you like fishing, or not, there are some very interesting, yet frightening, fish in this world. However, the odds of you catching one of these rare, crazy fish are very low. But here are some cool facts about weird fish!


Blobfish look exactly like what they are called, a blob. This fish is native to waters near Australia and New Zealand. Blobfish eat by staying on the seafloor 3,000 feet down and scooping up sea urchins and shellfish as they graze the bottom of the sea. Eating and conserving energy is the blobfish’s job. These fish grow about 12 inches long with no teeth. Scientists don’t know much about them and fear extinction because not many people ever find them especially because they are down so low in the ocean.

Tongue-Eating Louse

The tongue-eating louse is a lot like a leech. This interesting parasite enters a fish through its gills and then attaches itself to the tongue of a fish. The parasite feeds off of the fish’s blood and mucus. Although these don’t sound quite like fish, they are classified as a fish/parasite and are about the size of a finger. Even though these parasites don’t kill a fish instantly, they cause damage and eventually will take all of the fishes nutrients causing them to become very weak and possibly die.

Angler Fish

Angler fish come in 200 different species which live in the deep parts of the Atlantic and Antarctic oceans, miles below the surface. These fish have huge heads and lots of sharp teeth and can grow as big to be 1-3 feet in length! Angler fish can swallow prey up to two times the size of themselves because of their huge, dangerous mouths.

Barreleye Fish

The barreleye fish has a transparent head. This fishs green colored eyes can move throughout the liquid transparent part of their head so they have full vision of the sea around them when searching for food. This fish also has large flat fins which aid it in staying afloat and being completely still while they hunt for food.


If you would like to see pictures of these creepy creatures, click the link here, where I got my information.