Chickens, Chickens and more Chickens

Chickens, Chickens and more Chickens

Emiliah Morrison

Whether you like chickens or not, you’re about to hear some crazy cool facts that will blow you away.

Personally, I have about 15 chickens and they are by far the coolest animal on this planet, and this is a completely unbiased statement.

First of all, I would like to say RIP to my chicken that froze to death during this chilly, icy, Antarctic winter. Fred was a very good chicken who would sit on command and laid a lot of fresh yummy eggs!

However, Fred is one in 25 billion chickens living on this planet. That means that there are more chickens on this earth than humans… crazy, right?

Also, the next time you get the chance to feed a chicken sugar, don’t do it, this is because chickens can’t taste sweets, they can only taste saltiness. Why fatten them up and give them extra calories they can’t taste? Nonetheless, they’re all for you giving them a slice of pizza if you’re feeling generous. (not recommended for their health)

I’d rather not put this next fact in here because it hits the feels, but to inform you, 97 chickens are killed every .05 seconds. I’m all for eating some good chicken strips, but that’s really an unnecessary amount of them dying in just .05 seconds!

OK, enough about death, now let’s talk about them good ol’ eggs. Usually, when you crack an egg there’s only one yolk, right? Well the world record for yolks in a single egg is 9!

Imagine going to cook some scrambled eggs and 9 yolks just pop out, that’d be awesome! Also, if you were wondering whether your egg is fresh or not, there’s two ways to check. First off, if the egg white is cloudy, that means it is a good egg to eat with lots of nutrients. Secondly, the more orangey/yellow the yolk is, the better the egg is for you. That’s why when you go to a store and buy free range chicken eggs, the yolk will be a darker yellow than if you buy the processed caged chicken eggs. This is because the caged chickens aren’t as happy and don’t get as much nutrients as the free roaming chickens do.

This next fact is by far the coolest thing you will hear all day, and it is that chickens are the closest living relative to a Tyrannosaurus Rex. That means that when you see a chicken you are seeing something related to a huge dinosaur! Super mind blowing and cool at the same time!

If you want to waste more of your time reading super awesome facts about chickens, just click the link here and prepare to be amazed!