Drew’s Train of Thought

Drew DeKeyrel, Writer

Do creatures with multiple heads have multiple separate and distinct personalities, do they have a collective hive mind, or does one of the heads have partial control over the others as an overmind? If the heads have separate personalities, do they compete for control over the one body? Quite possibly the most troubling thought, does the mythological creature, the hydra, gain more personalities as its heads are cut off and regrown, or do the heads just fracture into exponentially smaller splinters of the original personality.

Everyone knows that your brain is the most important organ in your body. But what happens if you suffer brain trauma? It is possible that your personality can change. If your personality and thought processes change, are you still the same person? Or are you a completely different person residing within another’s body? I’d imagine it’d be terrifying to experience an injury and waking up as a completely different person. You might not even know who you used to be because of amnesia.

Why are certain foods and drinks better at specific temperatures? I, for one, love pop and other sugary drinks, but I despise those same drinks if they are at or above room temperature. I find them disgusting. It isn’t just drinks though, there are specific foods that I adore at certain temperatures and despise at others. I don’t know if any of you have ever eaten fries, but most of the time, they are delicious. On the contrary, I feel extraordinarily sick after eating cold fries. Some foods, however, are amazing no matter the temperature. Poptarts, for example, are delicious if they are cold or hot.