How Do I Register To Vote?


Eric Thorndyke, Writer

Election Day this year will be on November 8th, and it’s important to know how to get registered. Sites such as offer an abundance of resources to do just that.

Those who wish to vote in the mid-terms, and who plan to register online, need to fill out the application to register at least 16 days before Election Day. The state of Illinois has a web platform for submitting applications: here. Before online voting became widely-available, the form would have to be completed physically and include the applicant’s signature. Now, the Secretary of State will copy the signature on record from your driver’s license in order to validate the online form.

Keep in mind that in order to vote, you need to meet a few requirements. Mainly, you must not have commited a felony, live in another election precinct, or be younger than 18 on election day.

To fill out the form here: first, read the information listed. Then, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Register to Vote or Update an Existing Registration.” You’ll need to select that you have a driver’s license (or State ID) if you want to fully complete the application online. To fill out the form, you should have your license with you, and know the last four digits of your SSN. Also, know your home address.

After submitting your application, you won’t have to wait too long (when I applied, they had registered me by the end of the day). You can use the “Registration Lookup” tool on the same website to see if you are registered to vote or not. This page also includes information such as where you go to vote, your “Election Day Polling Place.”

As a side-note, you can vote in the Illinois Primaries on Tuesday, June 28th even if you are only 17, provided you turn 18 before the general election on November 8th.

Hopefully, you take the five minutes it took me and register to vote. And hopefully you’ll make the 15 minute drive to your polling place on election day to vote.