Our Imperfect World


Kaitlyn Wilburn, Writer

I heard someone say one day that we live in a perfect world, and although there are good things about the world, it’s quite a stretch to say it is a perfect one.

There are a lot of things that allude to the fact that we live in a perfect world, but we don’t. Some of the things that allude to this perfect world are nature, good food, the ability to travel and explore, and good health services.

However, with all the good, comes the bad. For example; nature is beautiful with all of its bodies of water, landscapes, and architecture, but climate change is beginning to destroy all of that. Healthcare is another good example, we have amazing doctors with state-of-the-art technology, but it comes with a pretty hefty price, especially in the United States. Moreover, there are a lot of bad things in the world that make it far from perfect. Here are a few examples: Homophobia and racism just all the hypocritical “isms” and “phobias” in general, the rise in homelessness, climate change, towering student debt, and minimum wage. These are all key factors in why the world is not perfect.

Now I’m not saying we have to rid of all of this to be a perfect world, the world would just be better if we had less or none of those things. However, I don’t think there will ever be a day when the world will be perfect, but there is still beauty in imperfection.