Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Predictions

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Predictions

Abby Bindewald, Writer

(WARNING: There are spoilers for Spiderman: No Way Home in this article).

May 6, 2022 is the release date for the newest Doctor Strange movie, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. The movie is set to be extremely popular, bringing together a large span of characters, and possibly bringing back dead ones.

Shuma Gorath is said to be the main villain in the movie. It is an interdimensional demon possessing supernatural powers and great strength. Many theories, however, predict that there will be an appearance by a Kang the Conqueror variant. This theory is brought in by the trailer, in which a glowing figure is fighting with Wanda Maximoff (The Scarlet Witch), but its face is obscured, leaving the identity unknown.

Many people predict that the glowing figure is actually a variant of Captain Marvel, but an 8k version of the trailer makes it easier to see the figures face, revealing them to possibly be Jonathan Majors (the Kang the Conqueror actor). For those of you who have read the Marvel comics, you will know that Iron Lad is a variant of Kang the Conqueror who wears a suit of armor similar to Iron Man’s.

This leads us to the next theory – Iron Lad is going to be the new Iron Man figure. Iron Lad is a younger version of Kang the Conqueror who finds out who he becomes in the future, but instead of letting it happen he decides to become a hero in light of what he could become. For those of you who watched Loki and Spiderman: No Way Home, fans predict that when the multiverse is opened Iron Lad accidentally slips through, along with many other characters such as: Deadpool, Professor X, Loki, a variant of Iron Man played by Tom Cruise, Ultron Drones, Scarlet Witch Variant, Blackbolt, Namor, Mr.Fantastic, Defender Strange, The Maximoff Twins, Captain Carter from the What If? series, Sleepwalker, D’Spayre, Tobey Maguire’s Spiderman, Wolverine (not played by Hugh Jackman), Ghost Rider, and Nightmare.

If this movie ends up with all of the characters predicted actually in the movie, this newest Marvel movie will quickly hit top charts, and open up an entirely new chapter for the MCU.

Click HERE to watch the trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.