What’s The Dumbest Thing You’ve Ever Been Tricked Into Believing?

Whats The Dumbest Thing Youve Ever Been Tricked Into Believing?

Britani Trujillo, Writer

When I was younger I used to believe that parents bought babies off of somebody or from some sort of baby store and that they picked us out themselves. So this week I asked a few people what they believed when they were younger.


Bianca Schnerre- “I can’t remember ever being tricked into believing something super dumb, but I did trick my siblings into believing that the little white fluffs that would fly around in the spring time were fairies.” 


Hayley Vanduyne- “That if you ate a black watermelon seed , a watermelon would grow in your stomach. When I was younger, my sister ate one and I started crying because I thought a watermelon would start growing in her stomach.”


Emalee Moody- “Someone once told me that the air conditioning knob with the snowflake picture on it was supposed to be turned on whenever I drove in snow. I believed them.”


Katie Morizono – “I don’t remember being tricked into anything but I had once tricked my sister into sticking a bobby pin in an outlet when we were really young.” 


Kale Stropes- “Definitely believing in Santa Clause, I truly feel dumb for believing that a strange man that I don’t even know just casually shows up inside my home and leaves things for me and millions of other children.”


Courtney Farwell- “I used to believe that turning the lights on in the car was illegal.”


Gracie McHenry- “Believing that if you turned the overhead lights on during night while your parents were driving they would get pulled over and arrested.”