Childhood sports stories Episode 8


This week I decided to bring back the ole sport interviews and forced the wonderful Zoe Larkins do tell me all about her athletic past! 

Zoe, like most of us, started her career in little league soccer in elementary school. “ I was a god”, Zoe says. Zoe explained to me that when it was time for her team to move to the “big” field, she decided to take a break from that as she was never a big fan of running. Gymnastics was also a big part of Zoe’s life at this time. She attended Kelli’s tumbling and while she loved the sport, she would dread the competitions. Zoe explained that her social anxiety would be causing her to be so nervous that she would make herself sick after one. So, after a while of that she decided to switch to a smaller gym in Orion and loved it! “ I regret quitting”, Zoe says. “I would totally do that again.”  Basketball was a steady part of  Zoe’s life until she got to high school because she didn’t love it with a passion and decided to pursue other activities. Volleyball was a consistent activity in Zoe’s life until about junior year when she said she started to hate it with a passion. Junior year, enter in soccer. Zoe decided to bring back her mad skills. She fell back in love with the sport and plans to play her senior year!