Student Hunger Drive!!!

Student Hunger Drive!!!

Kasey Filler, Writer

The Student Hunger drive officially started last week after our kickoff assembly and weŕe off to a slow start. The Student Council would like to encourage everyone to bring cans to donate. We will be having a 5th hour class competition, just like every year. For people that may not remember or haven participated before when you bring in cans take them to your 5th hour class. Your classmates in that class will be bringing them there as well. Your 5th hour class is going up against all the other 5th hour classes to see who can bring in the most pounds of food! The student hunger drive is about donating to those in need and to those less fortunate than we are. When you’re getting ready to leave in the morning please remember to grab something to donate. Even if it’s only one can anything will help. To encourage you to be more active in the competition there will be a exciting reward for the class that wins.

The most needed foods:

  • canned fruit
  • canned meat
  • tuna
  • peanut butter
  • soups, chilis, and stews
  • cereals